Thursday, November 10, 2011


Duck the midday hordes and slip through pitch-black bat caves into a hidden lagoon protected by massive limestone cliffs that rise spectacularly from the sea. You'll see monkeys, sea eagles, orchids and monitor lizards. Yes, this will be one fabulous kayaking trip.thailand accommondation phuket,hotels in phuket thailand
     When iconoclastic American kayaker john Gray first encountered these hongs (lagoons surrounded by 360 degrees of rock) accessed through jagged caves at low tide, he knew he'd found something special, something he had to share. And he still feels that way. His Hong by Starlight evening tour promises solitude in hidden hongs that few locals khow about, He'll explain how this fragile ecosvstem is threatened and introduce you to the bay's famous biolumines-cence-a plankton-inspired light show that shines from the sea, When darkness falls. When Gray isn't on the water, he's banging the environmental gong and working to educate local students and the highest levels of the national park service. Of course, he's most in tune when he's on the water, because even while threatened, Ao Phang-Nga has innumerable natural gifts that are impossible to ignore. Especially if you're in a hull, carving another glassy lagoon as the sun drops.thailand accommondation phuket,hotels in phuket thailand

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